Tag Archives: DIY

Work in Progress

5 Oct

So remember Mabel? Yeah, it’s the side table I’ve been promising an update on for like three weeks now. Well, I have made some progress! Babies and working and keeping a house under control sorta make things move in slow-motion ’round here sometimes.

Anyhoo, Mabel.

Here she is before I got to working on her makeover. At first, I thought I would just paint her completely white and I would just keep her as a side table. Because you never know when you’ll need another side table! Am I right? Then I got to looking around and thought that a stippling effect on the glass would look cool. At first, I was ok with it, but just not in love with the whole glass shebang.

Then one day, I was deep-cleaning the house sitting around and I thought, “what if I turn this little boring side table into a seat?”

And then it happened. I had to get fabric and scrap wood and make this little idea of mine a reality.First, I had Dave cut down two pieces of scrap wood. One to fit in the space where the glass went, and one to cover that awful wicker ‘shelf.’ To make the seat, I just laid cotton batting on top of the wood, wrapped my fabric around it and stapled the fabric to the back. Oh, make sure you iron your fabric first. This gives it a nice crisp look (maybe I’m just OCD.)

To make the corners, i just folded triangles in (sorta like wrapping a gift) and stapled the bunch down. My staples didn’t go all the way in, so I just used a hammer to push any sticker-outers (technical term) all the way in.

And voila! We have a seat cushion! Ok, theoretically we have a seat cushion. I’m still not so great at this whole getting pictures of every step deal. New Year’s Resolution?

So yeah, progress! I’ve actually done more…those changes will be coming Monday. Pinky promise!


3 Oct

Our hall entrance is making me crazy. Of all the unfinished projects around hizere, it’s the one right now that is driving me B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

It just feels so…unfinished. It’s such a narrow space, I’m having a tough time trying to decide what to do in there.

We refinished the half-moon thrift store table and built the hanging shelf, but it’s still just missing something.

I’ve got ideas for the space. Like this and this, but while we’re working on our money makeover, it’ll just have to wait. For now, I can dream. And ask you for suggestions.

What do you think? What can I do to liven up the space a bit?

Extreme Makeover – Table Edition

26 Sep

Sneak preview of Mabel’s extreme makeover!! Remember what she looked like before? If not, you can see that here.

Any guesses at what’s she’s undergoing?